February 27
Simulating speech processing with cochlear implants: How does channel interaction affect learning in neural networks?
Grimm R1, Pettinato M1, Gillis S1, Daelemans W1.
February 20
No Difference in Behavioral and Self-Reported Outcomes for Simultaneous and Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implantation: Evidence From a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial.
Kraaijenga VJC1,2, Ramakers GGJ1,2, Smulders YE1,2,3, van Zon A1,2, Free RH4,5, Frijns JHM6,7, Huinck WJ8,9, Stokroos RJ1,2, Grolman W10.
February 19
Brain Plasticity Can Predict the Cochlear Implant Outcome in Adult-Onset Deafness.
Han JH1, Lee HJ1,2, Kang H3,4, Oh SH5,6, Lee DS3,7.
February 4
Cochlear implantation as a treatment for single-sided deafness and asymmetric hearing loss: a randomized controlled evaluation of cost-utility.
Marx M1,2, Costa N3,4, Lepage B5, Taoui S1, Molinier L3,4, Deguine O1,2, Fraysse B1.
February 2019
Neural ITD Sensitivity and Temporal Coding with Cochlear Implants in an Animal Model of Early-Onset Deafness.
Chung Y1,2, Buechel BD3,4, Sunwoo W3,5,6, Wagner JD3, Delgutte B3,5.